Using and Configuring the Environment

Basic Usage

The main entrypoint to the BLE for most users is the gym environment. To use the environment, import the balloon environment and use gym to create it:

import balloon_learning_environment.env.balloon_env  # Registers the environment.
import gym

env = gym.make('BalloonLearningEnvironment-v0')

This will give you a new BalloonEnv object that follows the gym environment interface. Before we run the environment we can inspect the observation and action spaces:

>>> print(env.observation_space)
Box([0. 0. 0. ... 0. 0. 0.], [1. 1. 1. ... 1. 1. 1.], (1099,), float32)
>>> print(env.action_space)

Here we can see that the observation space is a 1099 dimensional array, and the action space has 3 discrete actions. We can use the environment as follows:

observation_0 = env.reset()
observation_1, reward, is_terminal, info = env.step(0)

In this snippet, we seeded the environment to give it a deterministic initialization. This is useful for replicating results (for example, in evaluation), but most of the time you’ll want to skip this line to have a random initialization. After seeding the environment we reset it and stepped once with action 0.

We expect the observations to have the shape specified by observation_space:

>>> print(type(observation_0), observation_0.shape)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> (1099,)

The reward, is_terminal, and info objects are as follows:

>>> print(reward, is_terminal, info, sep='\n')
{'out_of_power': False, 'envelope_burst': False, 'zeropressure': False, 'time_elapsed': datetime.timedelta(seconds=180)}

These should be enough to start training an RL agent.

Configuring the Environment

The environment may be configured to give custom behavior. To see all options for configuring the environment, see the BalloonEnv constructor. Here, we highlight important options.

First, the FeatureConstructor class may be swapped out. The feature constructor receives observations from the simulator at each step, and returns features when required. This setup allows a feature constructor to maintain its own state, and use the simulator history to create a feature vector. The default feature constructor is the PerciatelliFeatureConstructor.

The reward function can also be swapped out. The default reward function, perciatelli_reward_function gives a reward of 1.0 as long as the agent is in the stationkeeping readius. The reward decays exponentially outside of this radius.
