Getting Started



The Balloon Learning Environment requires python >= 3.7.

To get started with the Balloon Learning Environment, install the package with pip. First, ensure your pip version is up to date:

pip install --upgrade pip

and then install the balloon_learning_environment package:

pip install balloon_learning_environment

To install with the acme package, run:

pip install balloon_learning_environment[acme]

To install from GitHub directly, run the following commands from the root directory where you cloned the repository:

pip install .[acme]

Ensure the BLE is Using Your GPU/TPU

The BLE contains a VAE for generating winds, which you will probably want to run on your accelerator. See the jax documentation for installing with GPU or TPU.

As a sanity check, you can open interactive python and run:

from balloon_learning_environment.env import balloon_env
env = balloon_env.BalloonEnv()

If you are not running with GPU/TPU, you should see a log like:

WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)

If you don’t see this log, you should be good to go!

Training Baseline Agents

Once the Balloon Learning Environment has been installed you can start training the baseline agents. The BLE has a training script for the baseline agents that you can call with

python -m balloon_learning_environment.train \
  --base_dir=/tmp/ble/train \
  --agent=finetune_perciatelli \

Using the matplotlib renderer allows you to see in real time how the agent is performing. However, the renderer also has a significant overhead. We recommend using –renderer=None, which is the default, for speed.

Other agents you could train are:

  • dqn: A simple DQN agent. This is not a strong baseline, and is mostly to demonstrate that solving the BLE is not a simple task!

  • quantile: A Quantile-based agent in JAX that uses the same architecture as Perciatelli44, but starts training from a fresh initialization.

  • finetune_perciatelli: The same as quantile, but reloads the perciatelli44 weights, and is a great way to warm-start agent training.

For more options for using the train script, see the flags at the top of the file.

Evaluating Baseline Agents

The BLE also comes with an evaluation suite. This lets us run our agent on a large number of environment seeds and aggregate the results. To run an evaluation suite on a benchmark agent, use the following example command:

python -m balloon_learning_environment.eval.eval \
  --output_dir=/tmp/ble/eval \
  --agent=random \
  --suite=micro_eval \

This will evaluate the random agent on 1 seed and write the result to /tmp/ble/eval as a json file. This file can be loaded in the summarize_eval notebook to summarize statistics about the flight.

Other agents to evaluate (including agents mentioned above) are:

You can also try evaluation on other suites:

  • big_eval: This suite containes 10,000 seeds and gives a good signal of how well an agent station-keeps. However, this suite may take up to 300 hours on a single GPU! We suggest splitting the work up over multiple shards using the shard_idx and num_shards flags.

  • small_eval: This is a very useful evaluation suite to run. It contains 100 seeds and gives a rough view into how well an agent performs. On abui single GPU, it may take around 3 hours.

For more options for evaluation runs, see For more available suites, see

Training Acme Agents

The BLE also includes examples for training acme agents, but these use their own binary. To train the QR-DQN agent with acme on a single-GPU machine, use the following command:

python -m balloon_learning_environment.train_acme_qrdqn

Experimental: To run distributed training of acme’s QR-DQN with Google cloud’s Vertex AI, first follow the instructions here, and then run the following command:

python -m balloon_learning_environment.distributed_train_acme_qrdqn \
  --num_actors=10 \