Training and Evaluating a New Agent

There are two options for training/evaluating a new agent:

  1. Create an agent following the Agent interface and use our scripts.

  2. Use the Balloon Learning Environment gym environment in your own framework.

We recommend following our agent interface for single GPU training. For more complicated use cases, such as distributed training, it may be easier to use the gym environment in your own framework.

Using the Agent Interface

To make a new agent using our framework, you should do the following:

  1. Create an agent following the Agent interface.

  2. Create a training script that uses train_lib.run_training_loop.

  3. Create an evaluation script that uses eval_lib.eval_agent.

Creating an Agent

First, create an agent following the Agent interface. For example:

from typing import Sequence
from balloon_learning_environment.agents import agent

class MyNewAgent(agent.Agent):
    def __init__(self, num_actions: int, observation_shape: Sequence[int]):
        super(MyNewAgent, self).__init__(num_actions, observation_shape)


Make sure to override all the functions required and recommended by the Agent There are several good examples in the agents module.

Alternatively, you can use one of the agents provided with the BLE:

from balloon_learning_environment import train_lib
from balloon_learning_environment.env import balloon_env
from balloon_learning_environment.utils import run_helpers

agent_name = 'quantile'
env = gym.make('BalloonLearningEnvironment-v0')
agent = run_helpers.create_agent(agent_name,

Create Training Script

Once you have created your agent, it should be ready to train by calling train_lib.run_training_loop. You’ll need to create a launch script that sets up the environment and agent and calls this function.

For an example, take a look at our which we use to train the benchmark agents. A slimmed down version would look something like this:

from balloon_learning_environment import train_lib
from balloon_learning_environment.env import balloon_env  # Registers the environment.
import gym

env = gym.make('BalloonLearningEnvironment-v0')
agent = YourAgent(env.action_space.n, env.observation_space.shape)

    '/tmp/ble/train/my_experiment',  # The experiment root path.
    max_episode_length=960,  # 960 steps is 2 days, the default amount.
    collector_constructors=[])  # Specify some collectors to log training stats.

You can optionally add Collectors to generate statistics during training. We include a set of collectors to

  1. print statistics to the console with ConsoleCollector.

  2. save statistics to a pickle file with PickleCollector.

  3. write to Tensorboard event files with TensorboardCollector.

You can create your own by following the Collector interface and passing its constructor to the CollectorDispatcher.

Create Evaluation Script

If your agent follows the Agent interface, you can also make use of eval_lib.eval_agent. Once again, you’ll need to create a launch script that sets up the environment and agent, and then calls the function.

For an example, take a look at our which we use to evaluate the benchmark agents. A slimmed down version would look something like this:

 from balloon_learning_environment.env import balloon_env  # Registers the environment.
 from balloon_learning_environment.eval import eval_lib
 import gym

 env = gym.make('BalloonLearningEnvironment-v0')
 agent = YourAgent(env.action_space.n, env.observation_space.shape)

 eval_results = eval_agent(

do_something_with_eval_results(eval_results)  # Write to disk, for example.

‘small_eval’ uses 100 seeds, which may take around 3 GPU hours, depending on the GPU. ‘small_eval’ is great for determining the progress of an agent. Once you are satisfied with an agent, we recommend reporting ‘big_eval’ results where feasible. ‘big_eval’ uses 10,000 seeds, and takes around 300 GPU hours. This work can be parallelized and spread out across multiple shards, as we demonstrate in

Using a Different Framework

If you choose to use a different framework for training an agent, simply create an environment and interact with it in the way that makes sense for your framework or experiment.

from balloon_learning_environment.env import balloon_env  # Registers the environment.
import gym

env = gym.make('BalloonLearningEnvironment-v0')
# Do what you want with the environment now it has been created.

The environment follows the standard gym interface. The type of the returned environment object is BalloonEnv.